I LOVE THIS SERIES! My heart almost exploded constantly.... OK, OK, breathe...
Let me explain!
So, firstly you need some backstory! Buckle in.
Our main character is Robin. She's an arcana witch, meaning that she has to draw out a spell perfectly and let it charge slowly. But, she doesn't practice her craft.
We begin with Robin at the uncles house, after her parents die, as her uncle is being slow on giving her her inheritance. Whilst there she stumbles onto a darkness trapped in a circle, in the library. Her uncle warns her against going down there, telling her that it's a demon and she should stay away. Robin, whilst incredibly shy, goes back to the library-she loves books after all and no demon is going to stop her from being in there. A while later she accidentally knocks over some baked goods that she takes down there and it ends up in the circle, she quickly cleans them up (she's not allowed to be in the library-demon!) and then the baked goods (a cookie I believe) flies at her head and hits her. She runs from the room. After some time she gathers her confidence and ventures back down to the library. A while later she and the demon end up talking to each other and Robin learns his name-Zylas- and he shows himself to her. Something he hadn't done with anyone else. Now events happen and Robin and Zylas end up in a contract-meaning Zylas has to live, occasionally, in a infernus (a magical amulet, he goes in there and Robin wears it). Zylas becomes an illegally contracted demon, the deal being that Zylas protects her and Robin has to provide Zylas with baked goods, I.E. not her soul, the thing that should be able to take him back to his own dimension.
When Zylas is out of his circle-the thing that is trapping him and slowly killing him, he releases another demon that is trapped and that demon causes havoc. The family run from the house as it gets destroyed, and Robin and her cousin Amalia run together, pulling a wheeled suitcase behind them. While walking and trying to figure out where to find a hotel, they realize that they aren't in the most safest of areas and decide to leave, just as some men start harassing them. Zylas appears in front of Robin and the men run. Amalia finds out that they're in an illegal contract and also runs, leaving a distraught Robin alone. Zylas brings her back and Robin explains how she became contracted, and thus practising Demonica.
Much more happens in the books of course, but that's the gist of the first part of the first book.
These books are action packed! Demons? Check! Evil villains? Check! People enslaving an entire race, while Robin and Zylas try to stop it? Double check!
I absolutely love Robin, who's shy, easily embarrassed, loyal, sweet and a bit naïve honestly, but she won't be easily intimidated (post book one more so) and fights hard for what's right.
Amalia kicks ass in a different way, she's there for Robin, but keeps trying to get her to think like her, but eventually relaxes and is OK, she's an awesome seamstress and helps out when possible.
Zylas is seriously a book boyfriend! He's not from earth, therefore has an accent that you end up just doing in your head. He calls Robin Hh'ainun (human) and Payilas (small female), among other names. He's smart, small in the demon world but has made the others fear him. Do not mess with him.
These books caught me and have never let go. I adore them! These books made me sob ugly tears, hold my breath in anticipation and laugh out loud, they hold a special place in my heart!
These books are a slow-burn romance, with plenty of steam and you could cut the tension with a spoon! Just thinking about them makes me swoon!
If you love fantasy, demons, magic and romance these are for you!
Have you read any of The Guild Codex: Demonized books? What do you think? Let me know!
(Thebookdragonreview Instagram)